HyperOS updates its gallery app and adds new functions to edit photos with AI with incredible results

HyperOS updates gallery app with AI design tools

El Xiaomi's HyperOS operating system has updated its gallery app and AI photo editing tools have been incorporated. Among the new functions, the expansion of photographs, removing objects like a professional, among others, stand out. If you want to know what other new features it has incorporated, we will tell you about them here.

Learn about the new features of HyperOS in its gallery app

Meet the new Xiaomi HyperOS AI design tools

Xiaomi has updated its HyperOS operating system, but has placed special emphasis on the gallery app. Now through it you can edit photos using artificial intelligence. For this, it has incorporated two tools and they are AI Expansion 2.0 and AI Eraser 2.0

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AI Expansion 2.0 is used to enlarge images, but it does so by adding a fill to the rest of the photo using artificial intelligence. This option is perfect for photos where we have a bad frame and we want to improve the background. Only the photo is expanded, we improve the location of the people and the AI ​​does the rest to complete.

About AI Eraser 2.0 is the function to replace objects in photography where artificial intelligence fills the spaces with other elements. Also, it includes the option of delete objects that we no longer want in the photo. The latter is not a novelty in Xiaomi, on the contrary it is an evolution of the magic eraser.

AI Eraser 2.0 power to erase elements from a photo

With the Xiaomi HyperOS update, users will have better tools, more optimized to generate quality and professional results. The power of AI in editing photos in the gallery is surprising and even in large photos or elements that are too large to delete.

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Other updates in HyperOS have been focused on fix gallery errors and crashes. In addition, it has included new filters for photo editing. You can update these functions by directly downloading the APK of the application HyperOS Gallery y HyperOS Gallery Editor. Also, you can wait a bit for the apps to be updated on Xiaomi. What do you think of these new AI photo editing developments on mobile phones?

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