As we all know, WhatsApp is the most used messaging app on the planet (although in certain areas Telegram reigns) if we talk about mobile devices. What causes this is that over time we accumulate very valuable conversations and information that in many cases we do not want to lose under any circumstances. Therefore, if at any time, obviously unintentionally, you manage to delete those messages thanks to the delete function, you have messed it up. Or that's what you thought until you got to this article. That is why we are going to teach you how to view deleted WhatsApp messages with different methods.
Because it has also happened to all of us that a person has sent us certain messages, but when we enter the conversation they appear as deleted. And we are curious about what it will have been and why it will have eliminated them. Well, for both cases, both for the curiosity of the elimination and for the case in which you lose information that you want to keep safe, we are going to help you. For both cases there are many tricks but to focus the article we will be more concise with the best methods that else we have seen that work in both cases.
How to view deleted WhatsApp messages
The main trick to be able to see those messages deleted by someone else is based on the use of a third-party app. We will leave that app at the end of the article so that you can download it by just clicking on our link. We will also leave you a small comment about how the app in question works although already we anticipate that it is very simple and it is based on a method of folders where it will leave the files or history of the conversations, in addition to that it will notify you of everything when something happens in the conversation. In any case, let's go there with the tutorial that you have to follow:
- To start you will have to download the WhatsRemoved app + (you will find the link at the end of the article). It just redirects you to the Google Play Store and from there you can download.
- It is true that there are many other apps with this objective but we we have selected one that is not paid, how is WhatsRemoved +. Saving must be prioritized.
- Once you are done with the download and installation of The app will ask you to give it administration permissions, do it without fear. Now you can just fiddle with it or just wait for someone to delete a WhatsApp message that I had previously sent you. The app will notify you. It will also save a record of all conversations in a folder that you have selected.
What you have to do every time someone sends you a WhatsApp message that is later deleted is to enter the WhatsRemoved + app. In the app you will be able to see exactly what that person told you in that WhatsApp message, even if it is a video, a photo, a gif or a simple sticker, the app saves everything. In this way you already know how to see deleted WhatsApp messages.
Unfortunately, if you are an iOS user, you have to say that we have not found an app for your system, We have not seen anything similar in the Huawei Store, therefore, there you have it complicated.
How not to lose data in WhatsApp conversations when deleting the conversation
For this it is as simple as making a backup on both iOS and Android. Frequently check the configuration of the backup copies that you have since if a long time passes those recent messages will not be saved. Make sure that the WhatsApp backup is done on a daily basis, it is the most recommended and for this, you will only have to follow the steps that we are going to leave you in this small guide. Once you do what we tell you, and as long as you have enough storage for it, you will have your backups up to date and you will never lose a single piece of information from a WhatsApp conversation. Let's go there with the little guide:
- Once you have the phone on you will have to open the Whatsapp app on the mobile device.
- Now you will have to go to the typical menu of three points that you will find on your screen in the upper right corner. That will open another menu for you.
- We open the menu in question
- And now you will have to go directly to the chats section of the menu you are in.
- When you are inside, without any loss, you will see clearly that there is a option called backup, click on it and configure the following steps that best suit you, especially in terms of device storage.
Remember that this is going to make you run out of space. It may be that if you have never made a backup of your WhatsApp conversations and you have a lot of multimedia files and conversations saved for years, the backup becomes very heavy.
When we say a lot we mean copies of around 5Gb or more. Therefore, if you have an SD card to do this it will be much better. But keep in mind that if you change it, you will go with that copy. Always have the SD on hand in that case. You can also choose to make the copy in the internal storage but this will limit your mobile phone a lot. It is up to you.
Download WhatsRemoved +
You will only have to click on the WhatsaRemoved + link to enter the Google Play Store and be able to start recovering all those deleted or modified messages from a WhatsApp conversation. During the installation they will ask you in which folder you want these text records to be saved so that always and under any circumstance what is written is saved instantly. If the app, as they explain, realizes that a message has been deleted or edited, you will be notified instantly. You don't have to worry about more. It is fully configurable and intuitive.