If you have a Google Home At home you can ask or say a multitude of things to give us a useful answer, although in some cases we like to tease him, or ask things that artificial intelligence will not know how to answer too well. If, on the other hand, you do not know what a Google Home is, we will say that It is a range of speakers and mini speakers manufactured by the giant Google.
You can ask him countless questions as long as you have him plugged into the network and connected to a Wi-Fi network in your home, and he will very kindly answer you whatever you want. There are a variety of Google Home models, with or without a screen, and larger or smaller. Here are the names of the most prominent so far: Home Mini, Home, Nest Mini and Nest Hub.
But today let's see what are the commands that can help us the most When it comes to interacting with our G. Home, they not only serve to give us the weather forecast, their options are very wide and it is always good to know how to get the best out of our electronic toys.
Commands for Google Home
We should note that there is a very extensive variety of commands, both in English and Spanish. But it is possible that there are commands in English that are not available in Spanish, at least for the moment, or we may never have them available if they are commands that affect or interact with other types of companies and there is no agreement with Google to be able to make use of that service.
The first thing to keep in mind is that if we have several or different devices of the big G, and we want all of them to work correctly, you must have the Google Home application installed on your phone, and for that we leave it here in case of that you don't have it installed yet:
With this application you can configure your Google Home speaker to recognize different voices, and even choose the language with whom you want to speak to him, in fact you can include several languages and speak in the one that you find most comfortable when expressing yourself. You can also change the unit with which the temperature is measured, or choose the metric system of your country ... The possibilities are endless.
Therefore, we are now going to see a series of commands in Spanish that can be very interesting.
Commands for early morning
When we all get up we want to be updated on both the weather that is going to be done, the most relevant news, calendar events, etc. Therefore the first thing we must say before each action is the famous: «OK Google », then be polite and say: "Good Morning".
You will get the answer of all the detailed information that you must take into account to start the day on the right foot, and packed with all the information you need to start shooting.
If today is a holiday and you are not going to work, and you want to start the morning also on the right foot, ask your Google Home to sing for you. As you hear it, it will sing to you happily if you ask it with a "Sing a song or sing me a song." Your assistant will begin to sing, quite well, a couplet about his action, it is not very useful, but it will make you smile the first time.
Audiovisual commands
Continuing with the musical tonic, you can ask him to open the music application that you use, or prefer, and to put a certain music with a simple: «Open Google Music (or Spotify or the application you prefer to play music) and it will do it in a few seconds.
For example, you can ask it to play music by a certain singer or soundtrack from Spotify, YouTube Music, or Google Play Music.
You have to say "put me a Saratoga song and music will play using the streaming service that you have configured as default. You can ask for specific songs just by using commands like «put me Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen ». If you want me to reproduce some playlists that you have configured, you just have to say «pon my playlist X », and he will put it on you.
And if you prefer to watch a video just Di Ponme Bonito by Pau Donés in X, where X is the name of the device on which you want to put the video, be it your Android TV or your Chromecast. Obviously you must specify a device that you have already linked to your account.
In fact, you can use the following commands to make the experience richer, as they are «Turn off the TV (if you have it configured), Increase the TV volume or Lower the TV volume. It even asks him to put subtitles with a "Put the subtitles", "Remove the subtitles", "Remove the French subtitles".
And if you are Netflix users, and you have linked your account, you can also tell it to play content with commands like Put the chapter 4 of Season 2 of the House of Paper on Netflix, or the title of the series, film or documentary you want to see.
Commands that make our day to day easier
If you are somewhat forgetful, or you simply have the agenda set up in Google Calendar, you can tell your assistant to add work appointments, medical appointments, important meetings or even a shopping list… You just have to say: «Add an event to Google Calendar ».
Now it will ask us how you want the event to be called, tell it and then it will ask when you want to configure the event, you indicate it and later it will tell you the name of the event and the configured time. As she is very polite, she will ask you to confirm that everything is correct to include it in your agenda.
If you need a professional for any service, be it a plumber or a hairdresser, or even want to know what restaurants are in the area, ask Google Home to search for data on the closest professionals based on the information stored in Saint Google.
You should say Ok Google, search for X (name of the service we want) near, and it will tell you which service we want closest to our location. If what you want is the phone number of that professional or business say Ok Google, tell me the phone number of a restaurant, and it will tell you the phone number of a nearby one. If you want to make it more conversational, tell your assistant TI'm hungry, and Google Home will tell you the closest ones.
Control smart devices in your home
If you have several devices that you can control through Google Home such as living room lights or an appliance, Google Home will also help you. Of course, there are many and from different brands, so it is advisable to take a look at Google's list of supported products to check if you have any and are compatible with this option.
Leisure commands
In addition to all the above, Google has many curiosities, they may not be very useful but they can be fun, check for yourself that Google responds.
- Ok Google Tell me a joke: The assistant will tell us a joke, SPOILER: They are very bad ...
- Ok Google flip a coin - The assistant will make the sound of the turn of a coin and will tell us, randomly if it has come up heads or tails
- Ok Google tell me a number between 0 and 100000: The assistant will tell us a random number among the numbers that we tell it, you can choose any one.
- Ok Google, do we play “I know it”? - The speaker will start playing a game similar to Trivial
- Ok Google Read a poem - He will read us poetry
- Ok Google tell me a story - He will tell us a very short story
- Ok Google I am your father
- Ok Google Make me a sandwich
- Ok Google Did you fart?
- ok google eit's my birthday
- Ok Google It's not my birthday
- Ok Google Do you like Star Trek or Star Wars more?
- Ok Google Do you have a soul?
- Ok Google What does the fox say?
- Ok Google Do you want to hurt me?
- Ok Google Sing me a song
- Ok Google Can you rap?
- Ok Google What is your favorite emoji?
- Ok Google Why did the chicken cross the road?
- Ok Google swear
- Ok Google are you lying?
- Ok google testing
- Ok google high five
- Ok Google what is love?
- Ok Google tell me something about Alexa
- Ok Google tell me something about Siri
- Ok google clean my room
- Ok google what is your favorite color
- Ok Google, where are you from?
- Ok Google are you a robot?
- Ok Google, do you speak morse code?
- Ok Google do you have any pets?
- Ok google say the alphabet
- Ok Google How are you going to celebrate Halloween?
- Ok Google Bu!
- Ok Google Do you know any scary stories?
- Ok Google do you speak in morse code?
- Ok Google do you have any pets?
- Ok Google say the alphabet
- Ok Google How are you going to celebrate Halloween?
- Ok Google Bu!
- Ok Google Do you know any scary stories?
Without a doubt, some answers will bring a smile to your lips, others not so much ...