This time we are going to talk about the messaging application called Telegram. It is one of the best apps you can find and that we have already commented on other occasions, but this time we are going to talk about what are "bots" and which ones will be most useful to you.
We know that this application has an infinite number of options, and that it offers us a multitude of possibilities compared to other more generalized and used ones such as WhatsApp, as we have said, the use of bots is something that can be fun and original.
As in Telegram the APIs to create bots are public, many developers have created them for all tastes, and for all kinds of users. You can find them for different uses, such as to have fun in chats, or for personal use (although in theory its destination is more for conversational chats).
Ultimately, you can find a bot for every occasion and moment. With so much variety to go to, and with such a number of them, we are going to indicate some of the ones we like the most and that will probably be of interest to you.
Dr. Web
Faced with the continuous threat of viruses, malware, etc. we have a bot in Telegram that you will be able to analyze all the files that are sent to a chat, or you can use it individually.
It is the first anti-virus bot we know of and it is a tool that provides us with security in our conversations. The Dr. Web bot instantly scans any file or link shared in one of our Telegram chats for viruses or other threats.
We can add it to any group so that it works automatically, or send the files in the chatd itself, the bot to analyze if there is a problem with those files. And best of all, we have it available in Spanish.
Amazon Search and Price
This bot is also known by the name of @AmazonGlobalBot, which is its user on Telegram. With it we can obtain very useful information about the products that we can find on Amazon. Available to use in any chat or group.
You simply have to write @amazonglobalbot and the name of the product in which we are interested from Amazon, and then several options will appear, we just have to select the one that really interests us and We can see the price history of that product over time.
Add @amazonglobalbot to Telegram
If you are interested in the world of cryptocurrencies and finance, this bot has been designed to offer up-to-date stock market information on cryptocurrencies such as those of Bitcoin or Ethereum. If you usually work with this type of assets and we want to keep track, to be able to consult histories and to elaborate and visualize evolutionary graphs with a multitude of relevant data, be sure to consult and use it sometime.
This bot has several commands to be able to make any type of query of the values.
With this bot for Telegram we will be informed at all times of the Weather forecast in the place where we are, or the one that we select in the options of the same bot. Among the options that it offers us, we can see that it offers us the forecast of the current day we are in, the next day, and even up to five days after the current one.
You will be constantly informed of the weather forecast, without the need to have applications for this purpose.
It has a very interesting function since it allows you to program it to send you, every day, a message with the weather forecast, and be informed at all times of the weather of the place.
You just have to write @WeatherMan and activate the bot in Telegram.
podcast bot
If you like to listen to podscats on your smartphone, this is one of the best bots that you can activate on Telegram. It is one of the bots that we can find in the Spanish language, and it is one of the most interesting (@podcast_bot).
Its purpose is to be able to do podcast searches and next to them it will show you the information, images and assessment that we can add to the ones we like the most.
It's one of the ones I like the most, since I'm a regular listener to different podscasts, so don't think twice and add this Bot to your list to keep up with the best at all times.
If you are bored and have a while to kill that boredom, activate this bot and put your knowledge to the test. Of course, it is in English, therefore we can also review the Anglo-Saxon language if we have it a little rusty, or simply check that our level of English is sufficient or not to face this question bot.
So now you know, if you like to answer questions and be the smartest in the class, do not hesitate to activate it and do competitions with your family and friends and win everyone by showing that you have no rival when it comes to answering questions.
We continue with the section on simple games, and now we go with the famous "Hangman"Kill the time by spending a few minutes figuring out the word behind the stripes, but do it before your chances are exhausted or you'll end up on the scaffold.
It is another bot that invites us to hang out in a pleasant and fun way to spend those times in the subway, waiting for the bus or simply when you feel like leaving boredom behind. Play some games and challenge your friends.
@HangBot just by typing this in the search engine you will be able to access this entertaining word-finding game.
File to Bot
And to finish for now we are going to talk about this incredible bot that it offers us a free unlimited storage service in the cloud.
To use it we just have to attach any file we want in the chat and the bot will automatically store it, going on to create a download link that we can then share with other users, or members of any chat in which we participate.
And best of all, we have it available in Spanish.
Add File to Bot to Telegram now
I hope you enjoy them and activate them in Telegram to increase the user experience offered by this great application (not only) of messages.